2024, Podcasts are not dead.

Nick Panama
2 min readJan 30, 2024


I have to weigh in on the podcast/audio-first industry chatter. The only stat that matters is this — audiences and consumption are *still* growing. This is a growth industry, here’s why:

New Pricing Norms: You know how streaming has been a steal for like a decade? Well, that’s changing. Wall Street’s been pitching in to keep those subscription prices low, but now we’re seeing increases across the board. Hulu, Spotify, Disney+, Apple, and the gang will jack up their prices significantly in the next couple of years. Many have already started. But hey, that means more cash for them, leading to better content (read: better seller’s market) and an improved experience for us all.

Better Valuations = Better Market: Big-name podcast deals are too expensive. We need a market where everyone can play, not just a few big spenders. We are seeing a major call for podcast businesses to focus on sustainable models, not just inflated IP values and the like, pushing the value of content and businesses into more realistic multiples — which will entice new buyers to the table.

RSS: The protocol — yeah, it’s time for an upgrade, who’s got the plan? Also, hosting companies could offer so much more value to creators, someone please disrupt this space.

AI Tools: AI is the co-pilot for content creation now, not the replacement. More tools and business cases will start popping up in 2024. Huge unit economics unlock if leveraged right.

Global Audiences: More producers and networks teaming up with people from all over the world, and not just sticking to “Hollywood”. The podcasting world will be way more diverse, including a large expansion into multi-language distribution.

Beyond Exclusivity: Platform exclusivity? Bye bye. Everything will be about windowing, giving listeners different ways to access content — just like every other media business on planet Earth.

Revenue Makeover: Relying too much on ads is a filthy habit. Big push for diverse revenue streams — think subscriber perks, one-time purchase options for limited series, ad-supported runs on video, international licensing, in-gaming crossover experiences, merchandising, it’s all a go.

Need for Differentiation: Everything sounds the same. Hearing calls for more originality, shorter episodes/multi-week drops, go beyond the usual weekly talk-show formats, more cross-over concepts. I don’t have the answer, but some kid 100% does.

No More Cheat Codes: There’s a lack of secret sauce (cheat code) for independent podcast companies right now. Those big overall deals aren’t the game-changer they used to be. With Hollywood in a Great Reset, it’s a good time to build products and services that cater to creators owning their value-chain rather than relying on traditional models. What will be the next cheat code?

Podcast Rollups: Folks are exploring combining podcast companies into bigger entities. Someone will do it, must be the right mgmt team, right pieces, put together the right way — lot of value here.

